I suspect you feel frustrated. Or overwhelmed. Or you simply don’t know what next steps are needed to fix what you think is broken. You can’t put your finger on what it is exactly, but you know that something isn’t right, and you need some help.
Maybe it’s something specific, like your board isn’t engaged, or your fundraising efforts are falling short. Do you need to be sharing a richer story about your organization? Or engaging internal and external partners at a deeper level?
You don’t need to go it alone. But you do need someone with a proven track record of successful outcomes, working side-by-side with you. The goal? A healthy nonprofit outperforming expectations. Aspirational? Yes. Achievable? You bet.
Why SK Consulting? All of my work begins with a deep dive into your organization, getting to know the people doing the work as well as the people who receive the benefit of improved outcomes. I take a holistic “drone over the labyrinth” approach to balance your boots on the ground perspective. When I say “Alone is Hard. Together is better.,” I genuinely believe that by working together, we can achieve anything. In our work together, we will move from:
“You're off to great places! Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting,
So... get on your way!”
Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go!
Sue worked nothing short of a miracle with us at The Poe Museum. When I joined the museum five years ago, it was around the same time that Sue was brought on as a strategic consultant to assist the Museum in developing a strategic plan where none previously existed. Having worked in corporate America for 10+ years I’m always initially skeptical when any consultant joins the fray and approached my relationship with Sue with some expected trepidation.
Yet, it didn’t take long for Sue’s presence to be felt. Board members who hadn’t contributed anything significant in years were suddenly finding themselves actively involved in developing a brand-new mission and vision for the Museum. These same board members were allowed the opportunity to develop strategic goals and committees to benefit multiple facets of the operations of the Museum. We realized quickly cracks in the management structure and hiring practices of the museum that were previously hidden or glossed over due to lack of involvement by the board.
The museum, under Sue’s guidance and sage advice, evolved from a small shop with a smattering of eccentric employees into a fundraising and event planning powerhouse with a highly talented crew hired to align with strategic goals and put into a position to succeed for the museum. We capped off our experience with Sue by celebrating the museum’s 100th anniversary with guest speakers in front of a crowd of over 700 people. A celebration that Sue was integral in planning and executing.
If you’re interested in transformation for the better in your organization, and change that will ensure a positive outcome, then hiring Sue as a strategic consultant is the solution you’ve been waiting for.
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